featured image for effects of smoking on the gums

Effects of Smoking on the Gums

Many people probably know that smoking can change the color of teeth and stain them. However, it is not the only dental problem associated with smoking. According to research, smoking tobacco and electronic cigarettes is one of the biggest risk factors for gum disease. In this article, we will discuss the effects of smoking on the gums.

Effects of Smoking on the Gums

Smoking is harmful for the whole body, and it also has negative effects on teeth and gums. In fact, smoking is considered one of the biggest risk factors for developing gum disease. Sugars and irritants contained in tobacco affect the tissues in the mouth in an extremely negative way. On top of that, smoking undermines the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off gum disease once it occurs.

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Top Causes of Gum Health Problems

Maintaining your gum health is essential for your oral health. This is because issues with your gum health can have serious consequences, including tooth loss, bone loss, and even problems with your overall health. Poor gum health has been linked to conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Understanding the causes of gum health problems is essential for preventing them from occurring. Below you will find the top causes of gum health problems so you can maintain your oral health.

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concept of how to identify receding gums

How to Identify Receding Gums

Receding gums are a common oral health condition. It is characterized by the gums pulling away from your teeth and ultimately exposing the root’s surface. This can be caused by a number of different things and prompt treatment is necessary. Below you will find more information on how to identify receding gums and when to seek treatment for the issue.

How to Identify Receding Gums

A periodontist visit in Los Angeles can identify if you have receding gums. They can create an effective treatment plan that can address the issue. The treatment plan can also reduce your risk for receding gums and other harmful dental issues in the future. Consider the following symptoms of receding gums.

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Gum Disease and Systemic Health Problems

periodontist downtown Los Angeles

Many people do not  know just how important your oral and gum health are. They are integral to your overall health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of systems that all connect to one another, so one area can greatly affect another. Who knew your gums and your heart were closely bound? What about your gums and your lungs? We will explain the connection between gum disease and other systemic diseases and health problems to help you understand the extreme importance of gum health. To get a more in-depth education on your gum health, consult the top periodontist in Los Angeles, Dr. Kao.

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