dentist with tooth model in dental office or clinic

What is Denture Stabilization?

As people age or an accident occurs in their life, they may find they need dentures. Dentures make it possible for those with missing teeth to feel confident again. However, many people find dentures to be a nuisance because of the way it can move around in the person’s mouth, fall out when chewing difficult foods, or generally be uncomfortable. This is why denture stabilization has become an increasingly popular method of acquiring solid dentures.

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Big tooth and dentist mirror

It’s Not Too Late to Start Taking Care Of Your Teeth

If you’re like most adults in the United States, you might have fallen behind on your dental care over the course of your adulthood. While we all get busy with life, work, and family matters, it’s important to stay as up to date as possible with what’s going on in your mouth.

Dental hygiene isn’t just for kids. At the office of Dr. Kao, we care about delivering happy, healthy smiles to patients of all ages. If your teeth have been developing issues over the years, or if you are interested in dental implants, it’s imperative to give us a visit.

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Dentist discussing patient x-rays, dentures in foreground

Are You A Candidate for Dental Implants?

When your teeth are in disrepair, you will start to have struggles in your everyday life. From chewing problems to issues of decay and disease, the state of your mouth is something that should not be ignored. At the office of Dr. Kao, we care about the health of your teeth as it can affect the rest of your physical health.

Dental implants in downtown Los Angeles may be a viable solution for your failing teeth. This procedure has the highest success rate of any dental procedure, and it can also restore full functionality and health to your mouth. If you’re ready to discover what it’s like to eat, chew, and smile in peace, while having your confidence restored, read on to find out if you are a likely candidate for dental implants.

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Diagram comparing dental implants on left with dentures on right

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

At some point in our lives, we unfortunately may come across a time when we need some periodontal work.  Periodontology is the study of dentistry that deals with the inner structures of teeth.  This study includes looking at the diseases that may affect this area and cause disruption within the structure.  If disease and disruption is the case, and it hasn’t been treated for some time, it’s possible that dental implants or dentures may be required.  But, which do you choose?  For years there has been much controversy over which dental treatment is better.  In either case, visiting a periodontist in Los Angeles will help to determine the state of your teeth’s structure and which option is best for you.  Below, we dive into the pros and cons of both.

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