X-ray cutaway graphic of patient's mouth showing dental implant

Dentures and Dental Implants Benefits and Risks

According to the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, nearly 70% of adults aged 35 to 44 years in the United States have at least one missing tooth. Often times these adults are missing at least one tooth or more due to an accident, tooth decay, gum disease, or dental fractures.

Losing teeth can be very distressing, painful and life altering. Missing teeth can make it difficult to speak and eat, and having a missing tooth can put your life on hold. Luckily with modern advancements in medical technologies there is no need to live with a missing tooth, or multiple missing teeth. In today’s day and age there exist multiple options for replacing your teeth and getting your healthy mouth back. The two most popular options for replacing missing or fractured teeth are dentures and dental implants.

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Senior woman with dentures showing off her smile

Benefits of Dental Implants

Benefits of Dental Implants: Dental Implants Downtown Los Angeles Specialist

In the past tooth loss meant getting a bridge or a set of dentures. However, bridges and dentures don’t address bone loss in the jaw and can be extremely uncomfortable for some. Dental Implants reduce problems associated with diminished oral function due to tooth loss. Dental implants improve various forms of dental issues that bridges and dentures just can’t do, such as bite misalignment, muscle distress, and restricted chewing ability. See many more benefits of dental implants below. For a Downtown Los Angeles Dental Implants Specialist visit Dr. Kao.

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