How A Periodontist Can Easily Save Your Teeth

As you get older you may lose a tooth or two because of an accident related injury, gum disease, or a chronic disease that can cause you to lose all of your teeth. Whatever the case is, you will want to have a set of teeth that you can show off to the world for years to come. For this to happen you must communicate with your local periodontist. Here are a few things your periodontist want you to know:

Understand What Gum Disease Is
The first stage of this dental disease condition is often referred to as gingivitis. Symptoms includes:

If you’ve experienced these symptoms before, it might be a good idea to consult with a local periodontist or dentist in order to plan a successful treatment and reduce the symptoms for your future oral health.

Understand Scaling and Root Planning

root planning Scaling and root planning are the two most important dental procedures to combat conditions like gum disease. Your periodontist can remove plaque and tartar buildup form below your gum lines and heard to reach areas where flossing cannot combat.

Don’t worry about the pain. This procedure is non-surgical and has been found to be effective in the reversal of gum disease or periodontal disease.

Making and Keeping Your Appointments is Important

Really, when your peridontist or dentist tells you that your oral health is in your hands, it really is. It is important to practice proper dental hygiene on a daily basis such as:

  • Brushing twice daily
  • Flossing every day
  • Brush between meals
  • Rinse with a mouth rinse
  • Use whitening strips only if necessary

Every 6 months it’s also important to take a visit with your periodontist. It is just as important to show up to your dental appointment so you can go over any problems you may have that can be treated and prevent future gum diseases.

Save Your Teeth!

To learn more about gum diseases you can visit our dental blog. You can also schedule an appointment with Dr. David S. Kao, your Los Angeles periodontist and dental implant specialist today to start taking care for your oral health. It’s never too late to start so START TODAY!