How Oral Health Problems serve as an Indicator for General Health

General Health

When was the last time you have had your teeth checked? If it has been years ago, when you last visited your dentist for a checkup, then it is high time that you should. You may have wondered if oral health is important to your general well-being. Let’s find out just how is our oral health problems are connected to our overall health.

The Mind and Mouth Connection

The condition of our oral health has a huge impact on our overall health. Just like different parts of the body, the mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria (good or bad) because of the moist and warm environment that’s just perfect for the proliferation of bacteria.

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Alternative Healthy Snacks for Healthy Teeth

At the time of this writing, Valentine’s day is fast approaching, with Easter following shortly thereafter for many of us. These are holidays that are typically celebrated with lots of candy and sweets (especially chocolate) and that means one thing: lots of sugar on your teeth. Sugar is extremely tough on your teeth and gums, particularly in large amounts. Sugar can not only give oral bacteria something to feed on, but it effectively turbocharges them by providing an ideal food source. As bacteria feed on sugars, they create acids which leech minerals from tooth enamel, which can lead to infections, disease, and eventually cavities.

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Dental Implant Surgery

dental implant surgery

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Get a Dental Implant Surgery

Dental problems can be no fun for anyone. Let alone any kind of dental surgery that may be needed. Dentists and periodontists can have a bad reputation, often being regarded as the least fun thing to do. Maybe it’s because the mouth is a fairly intimate and sensitive part of the body. People may be highly protective of their mouths because of this instinctual and innate fear. On the other hand, dentistry is needed to maintain a healthy oral hygiene and monitor one of the most important parts of your body.

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young woman flossing, close up of teeth

7 Healthy Mouth Habits 

A visit to the dentist every 6 months is certainly an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene and for some, a helpful reminder of the things they need to improve upon. Many of us don’t exactly look forward to these bi-annual checkups. We practice outstanding oral hygiene habits the night before or even the morning of, like a student cramming for a test. More often than not, your dentist can tell you haven’t put in the work long-term and will give you the infamous “floss talk”. These appointments are for your benefit but aren’t meant to be the only times of the year you should care about your teeth and gums. You know that ultra-clean feeling of smooth gums and shining teeth you have walking out of your dentist appointment? The goal of daily oral hygiene is to maintain that feeling around the clock. Since you can’t take your dentist home with you (unfortunately), it’s up to you to practice healthy mouth habits to properly take care of your mouth. If you’ve gone past your six month check-up and you’re searching for the best dental care in Los Angeles, contact us today.

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