young woman flossing, close up of teeth

7 Healthy Mouth Habits 

A visit to the dentist every 6 months is certainly an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene and for some, a helpful reminder of the things they need to improve upon. Many of us don’t exactly look forward to these bi-annual checkups. We practice outstanding oral hygiene habits the night before or even the morning of, like a student cramming for a test. More often than not, your dentist can tell you haven’t put in the work long-term and will give you the infamous “floss talk”. These appointments are for your benefit but aren’t meant to be the only times of the year you should care about your teeth and gums. You know that ultra-clean feeling of smooth gums and shining teeth you have walking out of your dentist appointment? The goal of daily oral hygiene is to maintain that feeling around the clock. Since you can’t take your dentist home with you (unfortunately), it’s up to you to practice healthy mouth habits to properly take care of your mouth. If you’ve gone past your six month check-up and you’re searching for the best dental care in Los Angeles, contact us today.

Your mouth is one of the most visible and expressive parts of your body. A smile, frown, or even the cadence of your speaking, give you character that is unique to only you. But aside from the superficial benefits of a bright and infectious smile, there are also numerous health advantages to keeping your teeth fresh. Aside from the obvious unwanted plaque and cavities, there are far more serious repercussions of an unhealthy mouth. Gum disease can lead to more severe conditions like periodontitis which in some cases can be cause for dental implants. Your gums also act as a forecaster for the rest of your body’s health. Unhealthy gums can be signs of problems in your body you may otherwise not would’ve been aware of such as:
· Diabetes
· Heart Disease
· Oral Cancer
· Pancreatic Cancer
· Kidney Disease

More than 3 million people every year suffer from severe gum disease. Also known as periodontitis, poor oral hygiene causes symptoms such as swollen and tender gums. Smoking and tobacco use are the most infamously significant risk factors for gum disease however several elements can contribute. Stress, certain medications, systemic diseases, and nutrient-poor diets have all been known to increase the likelihood of deficient gum health. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to oral bone deterioration and even tooth loss. While there are several reasons to maintain healthy mouth habits, preventing gum disease should provide reason enough to remember oral hygiene habits.

Paying attention to and maintaining a fresh mouth is important for both oral cleanliness and as an indicator to other serious health risks. Active diligence is required to make some of the oral precautions you normally take occasionally, a daily and habitual occurrence.

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Stay on top of oral hygiene with these 7 healthy mouth habits:


It may seem like the most obvious step towards a clean mouth, but believe it or not there is a right and wrong way to go about brushing your teeth. You should be brushing at least twice a day and ideally after every meal. Brush for a total of two minutes, spending about 30 seconds in each “quadrant” of your mouth. You’ll want your toothbrush to have soft bristles and focus on massaging your teeth, rather than a hard scrub. Some people brush with the mentality that harder is more effective however, brushing too hard can irritate your gums and do more harm than good. Pay attention to the bristles of your toothbrush. If it is getting significantly frayed, you’ll lose effectiveness and it may be time to buy a new one. A typical toothbrush will last you two to three months. It’s less important the type of toothbrush you are using (electric vs. manual) and more important, the duration and quality job you do twice a day.


Brushing your teeth is the easiest way to keep your mouth clean, but it doesn’t take care of everything. The highly effective and often forgotten dental floss is a warrior against plaque that not enough people utilize. Floss is able to reach areas of your mouth where a toothbrush cannot. It should be done once a day, firmly between every tooth, and follow with a thorough rinse with water or mouthwash. If plaque is able to build up in these hard to reach areas they can harden and become near impossible to remove. Employing floss into your nightly routine ensures healthy gums and plaque-free teeth. It is probably safe to say that just about everyone knows about the benefits of flossing but a fraction of those people actually do it. It’s not nearly as time consuming as many assume and can easily be implanted into your brushing routine every night.

No Soda

A staple in American pop culture, fast food, and movie theaters, soda is one of the guiltier culprits of tooth decay. These fizzy felons are responsible for weakened enamel and cavities, especially in children and adolescents. Citric and phosphoric acid are the ingredients that give soda its kick and also what relentless attack the surface of your teeth. In addition to damaging acidity, soda also contains sugar which further breaks down the protective coating of your teeth as well as dehydrates you. The occasional can is far from the end of the world but make an effort to keep your soda intake as infrequent as possible. A glass of water is always the better substitute for any carbonated or sugar-infused beverage.

No Smoking

Possibly the single most toxic habit for your body and your mouth in particular, smoking is responsible for countless health problems. Nearly everyone who does it knows that it negatively affects their health, however far fewer takes steps to cut it out of their lives. Aside from the various diseases and cancers smoking is known to cause inside your body, this dangerous addiction can pave the way for gum disease, tooth loss, and mouth cancer. Bacteria thrives in smokers’ gum lines, eating away at delicate tissue and supporting tooth bones. On top of that, the nicotine and tar found in every cigarette creates a very notable discoloration atop the surface of your teeth. Bacterial plaque, yellow teeth, and saving your inner organs are things you should consider if you are a smoker. Not to mention, quitting will save you boatloads of money in the long run.

Healthy Diet/No Sugar

Something to be aware of on a daily basis for protective oral care is your diet. You’ll first want to remove as much sugar as possible. At the risk of sounding like the fun police, sweet and delicious treats like candy, chocolate, ice cream, and even sweetened coffee contribute to bacterial growth and decay in your teeth. Your enamel will thank you for sparing it an acidic bath in sugary sweets. Additionally, antioxidants found in apples, grapes, nuts, and berries are great at combating nasty oral bacteria. Milk and cheese are rich in calcium and promote plaque defense, while leafy greens contain folic acid which your gums will love. With the variety of vitamins and nutrients available to you in dozens of inexpensive foods, this habit is something easily implemented into your meals every day. Don’t forget, all these foods carry with them a ton of other nutritional benefits for the rest of your bodies.

Early Monitoring of Children

The most important part of starting any new habit is to enforce it early and often. In most babies, teeth start to appear around 6 months old. Use a very small amount of fluoride toothpaste (comparable to a grain of rice) and gently brush their gums and teeth twice a day. Committing to this routine will not only enforce the habit going forward but get them used to the process and keep their mouth clear of conditions such as baby bottle tooth decay. As they get older remind your child to not swallow the toothpaste and always rinse their mouth out. Once, their teeth come in far enough to begin touching one another, flossing can be introduced. Keep in mind, within the first year of development many children will teethe as a way to ease the discomfort of their incoming teeth. This is completely normal and can be helped by rubbing their gums with a clean finger or a teething ring.

Periodontal Visits

It’s only appropriate that we bring it full circle back to your professional check-ups. Shockingly half of adults in the United States neglect the dentist every year. This is the easiest habit to maintain on this list. All you have to do is show up and they do the work for you! This doesn’t mean it relieves you of all oral hygiene responsibilities at home, but if lying in a chair for an hour a couple times a year drastically improves your chances of catching potential dental problems before they cause harm, shouldn’t you? Tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer can all be spotted early and treated when you keep up on your routine dental appointments. Some dentists even hand out freebies, like toothbrushes, toothpaste, and travel mouthwash.

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If you’re already a pro and keeping your pearly whites in tip top shape, keep in mind a couple of these habits to avoid:
· Nail Biting- Often associated with nervousness, nail biting can chip your teeth and put unnecessary pressure on your jaw.
· Grinding Your Teeth- Along with joint pain, clenching your teeth frequently wears down the surface of your teeth.
· Using for a Tool- Many of us often utilize our teeth for tearing open stubborn wrappers, opening bottles, or ripping fabric. The edges of your teeth can start to become weakened the more you do this. Next time, just grab scissors.
Need the best dental care in Los Angeles? For more about periodontist Dr. Kao’s special treatment of Periodontal disease (by non-surgical and surgical means), additional gum health tips, and why he is downtown Los Angeles’s premier oral surgeon, follow our dental blog for the latest news.